Sunday, August 26, 2012

Primary Board Meeting

So in our efforts to figure out how to deal with some of the issues we have been having in primary we felt inspired to have a board meeting with all the teachers. We hoped this would be a good way to discuss the purposes of primary, inspire teachers with our vision and hopefully encourage them to have their own vision for primary. We discussed needs, concerns, solutions, our purpose of our callings and the direction we need to go in. It was a great way to build our relationships with one another and it unified us in our thoughts and efforts as we serve together in our callings. We will definitely be having a Primary Board Meeting twice a year now.
I'm going to try to figure out how to post all the ideas and printable's we used for our meeting.

*A lot of our ideas we used came from the 2012 Auxiliary Training on Truly inspirational! I've watched it twice.

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