Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Articles of Faith Song Cards

We practice singing a different article of faith each month. I grew to love the article of faith songs.

Articles of Faith Key Words

The Articles of Faith I’ll start learning today;
Key words will help me remember what they say.
If I just get started, I can memorize each one
Of these gospel truths. It will be a job well done.
First, the Godhead; second, men;
Third, the atonement—we’ll live again.
Four, first principles (note that there are four);
Five, hands; six, organization as before.
Seven, gifts; eight, translate;
Nine, revelation, which means communicate.
Ten, ten tribes; eleven, we claim;
Twelve, law; thirteen, now only admonition does remain.
2nd Article of Faith Song Cards

3rd Article of Faith Song Card

4th Article of Faith Song Cards

8th Article of Faith Song Card

5th Article of Faith Song Card

10th Article of Faith Song Cards

11th Article of Faith Song Card

13th Article of Faith Song Card

12th Article of Faith Song Card

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