Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Never Give Up!

This is one of my favorites! When I was in high school I got this in the mail from my mom. She just did stuff like that because she is so awesome! But I hung it on my bedroom wall and looked at it daily. 

Joseph Smith Candy Bar Wrapper

I made these for my sons lesson but also thought it would be cool to switch out the picture to Joseph restoring the priesthood and hand these out at the end of priesthood preview.

Giant Candy Bar Wrapper

Regular Candy Bar Wrapper

Baptism Memory Book

For a gift one year we gave the primary children who just were baptized was this memory book. It was inexpensive and the kids loved it! Especially because we told them this was there's and they could write in it, color in it and do what ever they like with it.

Restoration Puzzle

This was a puzzle from the 2011 Primary Outline (I think). I added some pictures to it.

Primary 5

I loved using this visual in primary. I would go over the 5 things we can do with our body to be reverent then I would talk with them about why we do all these things... then I would have them take their hand and put it on their heart and tell them because it helps us feel our Heavenly Fathers Love (Holy Ghost). It was important to me to make sure that the children knew are reasons for constantly reminding them to be quiet.

Fill the Font Game

I took this picture from the friend magazine an adjusted it a little so I could use it in different ways. I made blue construction paper stripes to fill up the font and I have let the kids color them in too. The link below will take you to the friend magazine to give you ideas on how to use it.

Teacher Appreciation Candy Bar Wrapper

King size candy bar wrappers for teacher appreciation

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Father's Day Song Cards

When Jesus Christ Was Baptized Song Cards

If the Savior Stood Beside Me Song Cards

This is one of the 2013 Primary Outline songs. Yay! I love this song! When I was chorister I actually printed these out as a poster on my computer and pieced them together then laminated them... Thank heavens now for Costco. These are awesome in poster size! 

Articles of Faith Song Cards

We practice singing a different article of faith each month. I grew to love the article of faith songs.

Articles of Faith Key Words

The Articles of Faith I’ll start learning today;
Key words will help me remember what they say.
If I just get started, I can memorize each one
Of these gospel truths. It will be a job well done.
First, the Godhead; second, men;
Third, the atonement—we’ll live again.
Four, first principles (note that there are four);
Five, hands; six, organization as before.
Seven, gifts; eight, translate;
Nine, revelation, which means communicate.
Ten, ten tribes; eleven, we claim;
Twelve, law; thirteen, now only admonition does remain.
2nd Article of Faith Song Cards

3rd Article of Faith Song Card

4th Article of Faith Song Cards

8th Article of Faith Song Card

5th Article of Faith Song Card

10th Article of Faith Song Cards

11th Article of Faith Song Card

13th Article of Faith Song Card

12th Article of Faith Song Card