Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Come Follow Me"

So my new calling is teaching the 12 and 13 yr. old Sunday school class. Its been a little bit of a challenge since I've been in primary for so long and now they are using the "Come Follow Me" curriculum.
I downloaded the cutest monthly outline posters from a site "holyhandouts".  I'm not sure what happened to her site... I can still see she has a facebook page but it doesn't give much help as to what has happened to all her stuff that you could download. But I loved the posters she had for each month and so I made 4x6 prints for each child in the class, they go in these frames from IKEA. I did a little bit of editing to each one to add the month and scripture to it.

You can go to my "one drive" to see the rest of them.

On the other side of the frame I made a 4x6 from a couple different clips from online... One said "Come Unto Christ" which is the 2014 yearly theme.

and the other one I made was to try to inspire them to act on our challenge during the week.

I let them have both and they could choose which one to put into the other side of the frame. 
I also made note books that followed each topic for that week.

Calendar for Notebook

Notebook Cover

Monthly Overview Insert for Notebook

Weekly Topic Insert for Notebook

After 6 months I quickly realized that following each topic got hard since there were more than you actually teach for the month... so now I have made just journal sheets to go into the notebook instead of the "above" insert.